
[REVIEW] Battlefield 4

The pictures tell the story.......

The destruction of Battlefield3 was not over and there came another Battlefield edition A.K.A Battlefield 4. The Battlefield is Action,Adventure,FPS game. It was created  by DICE Games with the co-operation of EA. The game was launched as a rival of the very famous Call Of Duty series with it's ally also known as Medal Of Honour.
The game also relives some aspects of it's predecessors for example the collapsing buildings.The textures load slower than an Battlefield3, single-player campaign is such a waste of time that you rather play Farmville and the odd crash or two in multiplayer ends up annoying you to the point where you’re inventing new swear words to express your anger. And yet, Battlefield 4 is well worth your time and energy.
Sadly, despite the increased likeability of the characters, Battlefield 4’s overarching story blunders from one set-piece to another, ignoring the gaping holes torn in its plot and taking little care to explain what the hell is actually going on (that's war, I guess?). At one point, right near the end of the game, I leaned over to a fellow reviewer to ask about the identity of a character in a cut-scene. Turned out he was the entire reason I’d been shooting the teeth out of Chinese and Russian soldiers for the last six hours.
The effort to capture the moments of multiplayer in single player gameplay have significantly corrupted the gameplay of Battlefield4, but there are also some good things about the games,like dams bursting and frenzied tank battles inside savage tropical storms. You unlock kit, and accrue points for kills--just like you do in multiplayer. It’s like a beautiful-looking training mission, with chatting.
The fact that levolution is such a success is testament to the incredible level design in BF4. Most maps have multiple layers and areas, which means you’re often mixing up land, sea, and air combat with close-quarters firefights. In other words, the majority of maps will suit any playstyle, and allow you to get creative with the destruction. Yes, I drove a tank through a house, and collapsed it. Yes, I beached a jetski to roadkill a man. Yes, I sat on a tower with a sniper-rifle and shot a man out of a helicopter. Moments. Memorable moments.
Overall, multiplayer feels quicker and more aggressive, although--don’t worry--Battlefield 4 hasn’t turned into a COD-style twitch shooter. Classes are well balanced, and as far as I could see (and I played for hours with everything unlocked), there was no super-gun / kit that lets you murder everyone. And again, there’s no single class that dominates any single map--there’s room for everyone during each session.

As a package, this is the best Battlefield ever created. While the single-player is far from perfect, it bottles enough multiplayer lightning to garner my rather faint praise of ‘worth a quick play through’. As ever, though, it’s online where BF4 shines brightest. You may not appreciate just how brilliantly designed the maps, modes, and classes are until you experience those trademark moments. Like when you’re charging around an abandoned factory on Golmund Railway, trying to fend off three tanks at once, mortar fire raining down on you from above, shaking your screen and creating unbelievable mayhem. Then--and only then--will you truly fall in love with this game like I have.
I'll leave you with the best image of the game for me.
Minimum System Requirements:
Recommended System Requirements:
CPU: AMD: Athlon X2 2.8 GHz, Intel: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz

CPU:AMD: Six-core CPU, Intel: Quad-core CPU



VGA: AMD: AMD Radeon HD 3870, NVIDIA: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT
Graphics memory: 512 MB

VGA:AMD: AMD Radeon HD 7870, Nvidia: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
Graphics memory: 3 GB

DX: DX10


OS: Windows Vista SP2 32-bit

OS:Windows 8 64-bit
HDD: 30 GB


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