
[REVIEW] Papers, Please

What can a 100MB game have in stored, that can make you feel important for the lives of others? This is "Papers, Please"

2 words, Papers and Please, are the basics of this game. There aren't any actual English words spoken in the game, but after a few levels of the game, you begin to recognize the different sounds the people make and their emotions behind them.
In Papers, Please, you work at a border inspection booth, behind your work desk, for the whole game. Papers, please, is never really an exciting game, its actually quite frustrating in the latter levels. The game puts you in a first person perspective in front of a desk. One by one, a person enters your booth, you check their "papers" and then decide if they ware supposed to go through or not. The job is quite simple in the beginning, but as the game progresses and the relations between  Arstotzka (the one you belong to) and neighbouring countries.
 The amount of credits you earn depend upon the correct decisions you take. using the credit you must pay for the bills and food of your family. And occasionally medicine. As the game progresses you will must check several things of each person before deciding, maybe every thing is correct but the Gender of a man is written as Female, is it a typo? Is it a fake passport? Interrogate the person, and decide!

Sometimes in the game, a husband will have all the correct requirements and you'll let him pass, he'll ask you to be kind on his wife. Then his wife comes in, she doesn't have one little thing, what do you do? She begs you to let her pass. Do you let her pass for the sake of humanity and risk your credit? Or do you throw her out of the booth, never to be seen again?

Overall, the game is quite small, limited and frustrating at times. it never really was "Fun" to play. It can be considered a time wasting game. However, the concept was new and fresh. The intended gameplay was doing its job perfectly.

SOUND: 7/10


Didn't really impress me, however its worth a try if you want to pass some time. Glory to Arstotzka!

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